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Employee Stock Ownership Plan

Employee Stock Ownership Plan

Through IPMG's Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP), our company is 100% employee-owned.

If you are not familiar with ESOPs, they are federally regulated employee benefit plans that allow employees to grow their retirement income at no monetary cost to them, while being able to share directly in the success of the company. Currently, there are an estimated 7,000 ESOPs in the United States with about 13.5 million participating employees. Research shows ESOP companies are more productive, faster growing, more profitable and have lower turnover — benefits that accrue to all stakeholders including the retirement accounts of the employee owners. To help you better understand what IPMG will look like with an ESOP, we’ve listed below a few commonly asked questions and answers.

What do IPMG's employees say about the ESOP?

What do IPMG's employees say about the ESOP?

"I liked that the founders are doing long-term thinking/planning for future continued success of our company."

"I am so excited about the ESOP! I really appreciate and am grateful to the founders for being so innovative in thinking about the company's future. It really shows how much they care about their employees and the individuals we serve. Thank you!!"

"What a fantastic opportunity for our future as employees and a company as a whole!"

"As always, IPMG proves that they really care about us as employees. We are not just a number in a large company, which is appreciated!!"