Say hello to Taylor
Meet Taylor!
"Hi, my name is Taylor Brady. I live in Granger, Indiana and receive Case Management services through IPMG. Some of my most recent success stories include overcoming my anxiety, developing personal growth and pursuing my creative abilities while attending college and mastering the public transportation system. I dream of gaining exposure for my writing and have included some of my works here."
Taylor attends Ivy Tech community college, and his major is library sciences. He takes the public bus to and from college, a skill that he practiced and learned with the support of his PAC staff. Now he does this on his own, and he does not use PAC services anymore. This summer he took a Creative Writing class, which is where he began exploring writing short stories and poetry. He earned an A in that class. Previously he had also taken a sociology class that he really enjoyed, and also received an A in the class. He enjoyed learning and thinking about social issues, and his education helps him with his insight into his own diagnoses. He also works with a behavior consultant to help with anxiety and increasing coping skills, and he is quite insightful about his support needs. He has even began using his writing skills to write his own social story scenarios that are most relevant to him for practicing how to handle situations through role play with his behavior consultant. Keep up the great work, Taylor!
Some of Taylor's poems follow: