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10 Fun Summer Activities for Individuals with Alzheimer's

Jun 09, 2021

In honor of Alzheimer's Awareness Month, Gina Berninger, IPMG Medical Model Specialist, shares 10 Fun Summer Activities for Individuals with Alzheimer's:

1. Look through old picture books and reminisce.
2. Go for a walk and enjoy nature together. See kids at the playground or feed the ducks.
3. Make popsicles or other easy to make fun treats to enjoy outside.
4. Have an outside picnic with favorite foods and talk about summertime.
5. Visit a local park and watch a ball game, look at the gardens, or just enjoy interacting with others.
6. Work on an easy to make craft, with just a few steps to enjoy each other’s company and have a keepsake.
7. Do some gardening outside or plant some flowers to keep where it can be safely enjoyed.
8. Play a game outside, cards, memory, or complete a puzzle.
9. Go shopping at a farmer’s market, look at the colorful foods, to enjoy a healthy meal.
10. Go bird watching and discuss what you find.

IPMG is proud to provide support to many individuals with Alzheimer's through the Division of Aging Waiver Programs. Learn more about the waivers here: