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Case Manager of the Month: August

Aug 05, 2019

Hope Richter was nominated by a parent of three individuals she serves and included the following in her nomination: "For several years, there were no case managers in our area who could add three more clients to their caseload. Hope has been our IPMG case manager for several years. When she saw the position my children were in, she stepped up to become their case manager on top of her overflowing plate.

Even with her full plate, Hope has been a far better case manager than anyone we’ve had in our 20 years on the waiver and she has still kept on top of her other duties with near-perfect professionalism and a truly caring attitude we have never seen before. My children are not a job to her, but an opportunity to help them become their best."

Hope states, "I am honored to be nominated for Case Manager of the month. I began working for IPMG in 2008 and have been in the field for over 24 years. I graduated from Purdue University with a Bachelor’s in Early Childhood. I began my career in this field while in college working in a group home. I am inspired and motivated by the individuals that I serve daily. It is very rewarding to be the educator about waiver services, assist in setting a plan in motion with desired goals, and provide guidance on what services and resources would be beneficial to help those I serve to achieve their goals."

Hope has five stepchildren and one granddaughter, who will soon be 5 years old. She loves spending time with family and friends and loves scrapbooking and photography.