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Case Manager of the Month: October

Oct 01, 2019

Michelle Shane was nominated for Case Manager of the Month by a family member of an individual she serves.

She has been a part of our family for many years and we love having her as our Case Manager! She always brings understanding and compassion to our quarterly meetings. She has proven to provide answers to questions that she was initially unsure about. She shows eagerness to participate in brainstorming for new ideas for our family, to try for Zack. Our family knows that Michelle is only a phone call away and that we can always call on her, anytime day or night for assistance.

Michelle states, "I am honored to be nominated for Case Manager of the month. I began working for IPMG in 2010 and have been in this field for 25 years. I studied Special Education at Ball State University and started there as a music major but quickly switched my major to Special Education after working at a group home during the summer when I was home from college. I learned so much working at that group home and fell in love with this field. After graduating from college, I worked as a job coach at Easterseals Crossroads in Indianapolis. I really grew to love Indianapolis but met my husband that year and later moved back to the Fort Wayne area after getting married in 2000. I then worked for a couple of providers and a small Case Management company. There was a short period in 2010 that I worked outside of this field and felt that something was missing in my life. I missed the clients and the families, and I needed to get back into this field to feel myself again. So, in 2010 I started at IPMG and have loved my job ever since. My clients have been an inspiration to me. I truly enjoy helping others find resources and to help them be as independent as they can be in their life."

"My husband and I have 3 kids. Wesley-14, Hannah-13, and Emma-8. They keep us busy with after school activities. We love to spend time in the summer at my parent’s lake/campsite at Jellystone. My husband and I also are part of the worship team at our church. He sings and I play the keyboard. We live in the country and love just spending time outside and having bonfires."