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Employee Owner of the Month: August 2021

Aug 02, 2021

Introducing IPMG's Employee Owner of the Month of August: Kathryn Johnson!

Kathryn was nominated for this award by the guardian of an Individual she serves. The nomination stated, "Kathryn is totally engaged in the best for my sister. I am her guardian and we have had many struggles obtaining appropriate living arrangements and providers who follow through. Kathryn is there with wisdom, support and suggestions, she provides options and listens. I can’t tell you what it means to me that Kathryn listens. My sister trusts Kathryn which is a huge benefit for both of us. Kathryn is amazing and I am so thankful for all her support to bring a better, more engaging and safe life for my sister."

Kathryn writes, "It takes a village, no more evident than while working with individuals and their families. I appreciate every day the love and devotion I see in the eyes of the families who care for their loved ones. If I can make one moment ofone day better for the individual I serve, see a smile come across their face,and assist in ensuring their goals and needs are met in a person-centeredfocus, I feel fulfilled in my position as a case manager. I have been a casemanager with IPMG since 2013. Prior to this, I had not been familiar with“waiver,” nor any of the multiple acronyms that support the waiver services. Ineeded to learn the systems and processes to do my job effectively andefficiently. What I did not need to learn is there are people in need of supportin all walks of life.

I chose my career path in my 30s and obtained a Bachelor’s degree inPsychology in 2000 at Indiana University-South Bend, while raising my familyand working in the food service industry. I went from county club manager tocase manager, and while I have always served others, the individuals whobring me the most joy are those who I serve as their IPMG case manager, andtheir families. My hobbies and interests are in floral and landscapephotography, repurposed jewelry art, billiards and singing.

I have been fortunate in my life to develop relationships with and learn fromphenomenal people. Each lesson I learn from one person, I am able to passon to another. I feel gratitude for what I have experienced, for my parents,siblings, relatives and my children. My only hope is to each day, embrace lifeand bring my best self to every person and every experience I encounter. Iwish to extend a special thank you to the family member who nominated me,and I wish sincere blessings to you and your family."

Congratulations, Kathryn! We are so blessed to have you on our team!
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