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Employee Owner of the Month: February

Feb 01, 2021

Introducing IPMG's Employee Owner of the Month of February: Stacey Wilt!

Stacey was nominated for this award by the guardian of an Individual she serves. The nomination stated, "Stacey has gone above and beyond as my brother's case manager. She reaches out to me routinely to check on him, and gets right back to me if ever I have a question or concern. During some of his hospital stays she was genuinely concerned about his health and well-being. She gets new information or changes to me very quickly. She even lets me know about upcoming webinars that would benefit not only for my brother but for my daughter who is also on a waiver in a different county. She has been an amazing case manager and I'm so appreciative of her!!"

Stacey writes, "I’m extremely honored to be nominated for the IPMG owner of the month. I have been employed by IPMG since April 2017. I feel blessed to have this job and to work with the amazing families and individuals that I have on my caseload. The flexibility that this career offers has been extremely beneficial for my family and me. Working with these extraordinary people has enriched my life and I can only hope that I have somehow been able to enrich theirs.

I graduated from Purdue University with a degree in Elementary Education in 1993. I taught 6th grade for three years and worked on my Masters before getting married and moving to Las Vegas. There I taught 5th grade for two years and had my first daughter who just happened to have Down syndrome. I was able to stay home with her and be a part of her therapies. While we were there, I had my son and was pregnant with another daughter when we moved back to Indiana in 2004. I started teaching preschool when my baby turned three and eventually worked my way back into the school system. I really enjoyed working in the Life Skills and FAP classrooms as an IA. Working all day and trying to maintain a household and family became very difficult. I started talking to my own IPMG Case Manager about his job and he expressed how much he enjoyed it. I started working for IPMG and have never looked back!

Working with families and individuals has been so beneficial to me as a parent of an adult with special needs. I have a passion for what I do and am so blessed to have a job that I love. I hope that my experiences and knowledge can guide and support the people that I serve and help them live their best lives."

Congratulations, Stacey! We are so blessed to have you on our team! Nominate your IPMG Employee Owner at