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Employee Owner of the Month: February 2023

Mar 02, 2023

Introducing IPMG's Employee Owner of the Month of February: Shannon Mullins-Vann, Case Manager!

Shannon was nominated for this award by a parent of an individual she serves. The nomination stated "Shannon is case manager for my daughter. Shannon has worked extremely diligently to improve my daughter's life. We are currently working for a new provider and housing as well. Shannon continues to help in this endeavor. I can contact her at anytime. She always responds quickly whether by phone, text, or email. Her response time is very quick. She genuinely cares about the consumers she represents."

Shannon writes, "I am truly honored to be nominated for this award by the mother of one of my individuals. I take pride in knowing that I was nominated by the family of an individual who trusts me to help guide them along paths that allow her to live her best life utilizing waiver services. The challenges we have faced as a team, have not been easy. The family and individual has trusted me to guide them through the rough waters. While we still have some waves ahead of us, I know that when working together, there is nothing that we can't achieve, and this individual will reap the benefits. I thank this family for allowing me to assist them.

I have always had a passion in my heart for this field. In my degree, I worked with children with special needs in their academic careers. I decided that I wanted to work even closer with individuals who had special needs and started working in direct care. As I learned more and more about the professions that I could be involved in, I became a family support coordinator. I met many great families and understood their plights. It was through my relationships in this role that I was introduced to case management. I saw how rewarding it was when an individual triumphed and met their goals. I saw how relieved families were to have someone advocate with and for them. I also saw the differences that could be made and wanted to be a part of that. The smiles on everyone's faces when achievements were accomplished made me feel that there was no better career to be had. I also took part in the challenges the teams faced and knew the grit and determination that was needed, this made me want it even more and made me work harder.

I am fortunate to know that I work among many strong professionals who make a difference in the lives of the families and those we serve daily. It is an honor to be a part of such a great team in the Lafayette area. They have taught me so much in my 5 years. I truly feel blessed to have found my niche and to work with such incredible people. Thank you IPMG for being the company that you are!

On a personal note, my parents do not live far away and I enjoy being there for them as much as I can. Family is very important to me. I am a boy mom and have two sons ages 25 and 23. I have lived a life of seeing them reach their goals as well. In my free time, I like to support them in whatever way I can. I have 6 nieces and nephews who are the light of my life. I enjoy being an Auntie as much as possible. I look forward to celebrating their successes. I also like to garden. I have 4 dogs and until recently had been very active in fostering and rescuing. I also love to read and garden. I love to camp and be outdoors as much as possible. This has been a very rewarding life and I am thrilled to have experienced it."

Congratulations, Shannon! We are so blessed to have you on our team!