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Employee Owner of the Month: July 2021

Jul 01, 2021

Introducing IPMG's Employee Owner of the Month of July: Ashlyn Cole!

Ashlyn was nominated for this award by the parent of an Individual she serves. The nomination stated, "Wanting to nominate Ashlyn Cole as Case Manager of the Month, I thought whom would be best to share Warm Fuzzies about her than our 11-year-old daughter, Angel, who has Down syndrome? Angel immediately said, "Ashlyn is always happy to see me, I like her laugh, she cares about me, she is always proud of me, and I love her." I honestly could not agree more! Ashlyn has been our Case Manager for over 6 years now and from day one she became a part of our family! Ashlyn is a warm, caring person that is always interested in all aspects of Angel's life. She loves to hear about Angel's school, her friendships, our family, and all of Angel's accomplishments. Ashlyn is always willing to research and acquire anything we inquire about for Angel. Over the years, she helped guide our family to receive a Parking Permit and a Medical Stroller to help assist Angel with her low stamina on long day adventures that we take. To further share her care and compassion for Angel, Ashlyn submitted a Success Story about Angel to IPMG in November 2020! It is a beautiful and inspiring story of Angel and truly expresses Ashlyn's support and love for our family from her very own observations and perspective. We love you, Ashlyn! Thank YOU for EVERYTHING!"

Ashlyn writes, "I have been a Case Manager with IPMG for over 5 ½ years. Every day I’m challenged to learn something new. There’s so much knowledge I’ve gained and many more things I’m getting to learn with my job each day. I am happy to be a part of IPMG’s growing family of dedicated CM’s.

I graduated from Calumet Purdue University in December 1999 with a Bachelors in Studies of Psychology. I wasn’t 100% sure what I was going to do with my studies but I know wanted to help people in some way. After college, I started working for Arc Bridges who’s been under many names, I started working there in 2010 where I worked with group home individuals. I worked one of the homes that was the most difficult to staff for 3 years. I also started worked as a DSP at Help at Home where it was a little different setting and now I was traveling to people home’s. There I found myself doing some of what a Case Manager does already, not even knowing. I was advocating for my families and taking their grievances to the office. I would find myself staying after my shifts talking with the families.

In 2013 I joined the office staff for Help at Home and this is where I was responsible for Payroll, Orientation, was a CPR instructor, still worked with a couple clients while working in the office, did supervised visitations for DCS, and drug testing. It was during my teaching CPR that I ran across several IPMG Case Managers and started inquiring about their work. In late 2015 is where I joined the IPMG team and was so excited. I’ve even reunited with some clients that I used to work with as a DSP and it amazing to be on this side of their care as I can do more on my part for them.

A little more about me is I am an animal lover. I have two dogs, one cat, and a few fish. I have grown up around animals since a toddler. I do hope one day to work with animals. For now, I foster animals with the Hobart Humane Society. It’s a lot of work but very rewarding. I also love to read and write. I have been enjoying this activity since I was a child. I hope to one day publish my own book.

My parents just celebrated their 50th anniversary. I have 5 brothers and a twin sister named Ashley. Fun fact about twins in my family is, my mother has a twin sister and she and her twin are Alpha and Omega (I love their names). My mom also has 3 sets of siblings that are twins. My brother has twin daughters (my nieces), I have several sets of twin cousins. My father and his brother both have identical twin granddaughters that were born less than a year apart of from each other. Twins is a phenomenon found in this family on both sides.

I am very grateful to be working here at IPMG and thankful for the opportunities I have experienced. I’ve volunteered at the Habitat for Humanity, Food Bank, the Buddy walk, and so much more I have got to do because of IPMG. We’ve made group videos together and I’m sure that isn’t the end of it. I’ve met some wonderful people here and have received so much love. IPMG takes does care about our wellbeing and that says a lot of about their values. I again am happy to be an IPMG Employee Owner."

Congratulations, Ashlyn! We are so blessed to have you on our team!

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