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Employee Owner of the Month: July 2022

Jul 07, 2022

Introducing IPMG's Employee Owner of the Month of July: Maria-Angelica Aguayo!

Maria-Angelica was nominated for this award by the parent of an Individual she serves. The nomination stated, "Maria has been the case manager on Matthew's team for many years now. She has helped us navigate some difficult provider issues, home transitions, Matthew's goal changes, & my frustrations with the current "system". She is constantly looking out for Matthew's best interests. He knows he can count on her to both hold him accountable AND to challenge him as he strives toward his potential. He KNOWS she cares about him & he works to make her proud of him (most of the time!). When things come up that need attention, regardless of time, or when his goals need adjusted, she is ready, willing, & able to do what needs done, always with a smile or a chuckle as she hears us out & begins to tackle whatever it is. We would be totally lost without her & we appreciate her way more than she knows! Thank you, Maria!!!!"

Maria writes, "I am so humbled by this nomination for Employee Owner of the Month. It's been an incredible 13 years with the people that I have served through IPMG. I started out as a University of Evansville grad (Go Aces!!) who had a dream of changing the world far, far away but ended up staying closer to home to do just that. I really got lucky when I found my place here. I wouldn't trade all the laughing (because there has been a lot of that), learning (because every day has been a new adventure worth exploring), crying (because yeah, there has been some tears), celebrating (because every triumph and failure deserved some silver lining), spirited conversations (because if we are going to craft your life's plan let's do it with some feeling and pizzazz), and growing (because WE all did a lot of changing together and I think we still have a long way to go) for anything. Thank you for letting me be part of your journey like you've been part of mine."

Congratulations, Maria! We are so blessed to have you on our team!