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Employee Owner of the Month: June 2021

Jun 01, 2021

Introducing IPMG's Employee Owner of the Month of May: Jodi McKenna!

Jodi was nominated for this award by the parent of an Individual she serves. The nomination stated, "We have been with IPMG for just over a year now and did not really know what to expect from a case manager. Covid has certainly complicated things this past year as well. Jodi has been willing to sit down with my husband and I to go over the entire budget and to answer all of our questions. When she hasn’t known an answer, she’s searched it out and followed up with me promptly. And this has all happened within a week of having her on our team. To say we are thrilled with her would be a complete understatement. She is the missing piece to this extremely challenging puzzle and we look forward to working with her as we navigate services for our son. You truly have a gem and I hope she is recognized as such."

Jodi writes, “I have been a case manager with IPMG for the past six years. I absolutely love what I do because of the people I work with. I look forward to what each & every work week brings to me. I learn a wealth of information each & every single day so that I can pass it onto whom might need the vital piece of what I learned to help others.

I received my Bachelors in Psychology in 1999 from IPFW. I chose to put my career on hold for several years raising my children while working part time with individuals who had all different types of diagnoses. I provided direct support as a behavioral health tech in several different day programs in the Fort Wayne area. We worked together creatively whether it be an entire dance to a song or a piece of artwork out of everyday materials. I also shared my golden retrievers who worked with me as Pet Therapy dogs providing peace, relaxation, & a nonjudgmental approach encouraging open communication for some & a more active lifestyle for others. The individuals I worked with ranged from the ages of 18 years & older. I also worked in a group home for a year with males who were dual diagnosed with a mental illness & addictions. When my youngest was eleven years old, I decided it was time to begin my career working full time jumping in with both feet. I had my sights set on IPMG in 2014 & took a case manager position with individuals who were diagnosed with a mental illness until I got the call from IPMG. For the first time since earning my degree, I felt ready to embark on my journey as a working mom.

My free time includes spending time with my strong children, being a grandma of two adorable grandchildren, working out, & creating my condo I just moved into Summer of 2020 into my sanctuary. I was married to my loving husband for nearly 20 years. He was my best friend & the strongest man I have ever known. He survived cancer three times. His positive attitude was next to none & we loved to just talk & laugh about what life brought us, our talented kids. My husband passed away in 2018 after a stroke. He was diagnosed with cancer when I was pregnant for my youngest. We lived everyday like it was our last. My kids have had to face so much in their young lives. We have stuck together & have loved each other through some difficult moments in our grief journey. Mason is my youngest & is now 18 years old. Mason has pushed through some challenges with dealing with a full-time working Mom trying to be both Mom & Dad & is targeted to graduate this coming December. Mason is full of so much energy & is always brings so much life to our family gatherings. Michael is my oldest son & is 20 years old. Michael graduated in 2019 & moved across the country to Oregon to support his beautiful girlfriend Erin while she earned her degree & both currently reside back in Indiana after Erin accepted a case management position here in Fort Wayne Summer of 2020. It has been wonderful having my kids close to me. Michael loves the game of football. His love for the game is on the sidelines as a coach at the local High School & head ref at a sports facility overseeing the hiring & scheduling for all other refs for the youth who play flag football. Michael recently accepted a position working in waiver as a DSP as well. He is a wonderful mentor to the youth in our community as he can relate to them overcoming difficulties life can sometimes bring through his resiliency. My oldest is my beautiful daughter Susan who is 27. Susan & I spend hours on the phone between or busy working schedules chit chatting about all that life brings us including her yummy fresh produce she creates & shares the abundance through her gardening. Susan is a working mom to my adorable & spunky grandchildren, Ariella who is 3 years old & Pierston who is one year old. Susan is married to my son-in-law, Vince who is a wonderful & supportive husband & daddy to Ariella & Pierston.

I do not know what I would have done without my IPMG family during the most difficult time in my life. When my husband was in the hospital, my team jumped into action when I could not think passed one hour at a time. Supplies & food were delivered to my house for my boys without me even knowing about their plan of action. The support my kids & I received was unmeasurable. I was so caught up in trying to put one foot in front of the other with all that I was facing between my home life & work life that I never got a chance to even get out Thank You cards to all who supported us. I received gifts of momentous from upper management in the mail as well. The support my kids & I received was what helped us through the unimaginable. My goal was to just help people & here I was on the receiving end from not only my team of colleagues but all 55 teams I served at the time. Social work is truly for people who care & figure out a way to support those in need with whatever it may be. It has truly been a difficult but humbling experience. I cannot imagine ever doing anything else or working for another company as a single mom of three years.

I see the many strides my individuals on my caseload make every single day. The families I work with network leads on what is helpful for them & share information to me so that I can provide feedback on what I have learned & what may help them & others. My teams think outside of the box every single day to help those we serve achieve their Good Life. There is no better feeling for me when I see the smiles when those I work with gain more independence through their confidence & believe that anything is possible by going after their dreams. Simply helping others is what my journey was about but those I have worked with have taught me so much more through their strength, goals, desires, & perseverance.

Congratulations, Jodi! We are so blessed to have you on our team!

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