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Employee Owner of the Month: September 2022

Sep 30, 2022

Introducing IPMG's Employee Owner of the Month of September: Chris Wheeler!

Chris was nominated for this award by Kayla, a professional in the field. The nomination stated "Chris is an excellent advocate for both clients we share. He does a great job of following up on requests, and has outstanding communication skills. He is always accessible when needed, and is very knowledgeable about each client he serves along with the unique needs and services for each person."

Chris writes: "I am humbled to be recognized for this by Kayla! I have worked with her and their individuals for much of my career with IPMG and have met some challenging situations, but as a team we have been able to overcome them for the individual to be able to live their best life. It continues to be an honor to see them grow and achieve their good and happy life! I started in this field as a DSP in group home and gradually moved into different roles and have enjoyed every one of them. I've had the privilege to know many of my clients since i started in this field almost 9 years ago.

A little bit about myself. My wife an I have been married for 8 1/2 year and have 2 cats. We enjoy traveling as much as possible whether that be to the mountains or to the beach. One of our favorite things to do is to visit small local coffee shops/roasteries no matter how far we must drive! We recently started a coffee roasting business of our own and hope to expand in the coming years as this is a passion we've had for some time!"

Congratulations, Chris! We are so blessed to have you on our team!