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INARF Leadership Academy

Jan 27, 2022

Congratulations to Michelle Ringstrom, IPMG Aging Program Manager, and Andrea Arthur, an IPMG Assistant Director of Case Management, on their acceptance into the INARF Leadership Academy Class of 2022! We couldn't be more proud of their commitment to the future of our industry, and drive to lead themselves, others, and change!

Many excellent highly qualified applications were received to be considered for the Leadership Academy - Class of 2022. The Leadership Skill-Building Workgroup followed a process of selecting the applicants based on the quality and thoroughness of their essay balanced with consideration of their organization's geographical location and size, and the applicant's position and industry experience to ensure a class rich in diverse experiences and reflective of the overall makeup of the INARF membership.

Michelle Ringstrom is our Aging Program Manager at IPMG. She is a graduate of Purdue University and holds a BA degree in Psychology and Sociology with a minor in Law and Society. She is passionate about growing the Aging Program at IPMG with a goal to ensure best-in-class service for those who choose IPMG for Care Management services through the Division of Aging waiver programs. Michelle believes that everyone should be able to choose the life they desire. It is crucial that the wants, needs and decisions of others are respected. Everyone deserves to be a valued, contributing member of their community.

Michelle is excited about the opportunity to attend the INARF Leadership Academy in 2022. She sees the INARF Leadership Academy as an amazing opportunity for her to learn, grow her leadership skills, and forge a path to greater career responsibility. She is looking forward to enhancing the skills necessary to be an effective manager, program developer, and advocate for IPMG's stakeholders.

Michelle lives in Lafayette, IN. Her hobbies include spending time with her dog Emma, playing the piano and traveling with family.

Andrea Arthur is an IPMG Assistant Director of Case Management. She is a sibling of an individual with a developmental disability and this has shaped her life in many ways. She attended Earlham College and graduated with a focus in Human Development and Social Relations. While attending college, Andrea worked with individuals receiving Medicaid funded services in a supported group home setting. She also spent time working as a direct support professional in the sheltered workshop setting as well as community-based services. Not long after graduation from Earlham, she began overseeing a supported employment program focusing on working with individuals residing in state operated facilities who were soon to transfer to community settings. In the spring of 2003, Andrea started working with an independent case management company and then joined IPMG in 2006. With IPMG, she has been a case manager, moved into supervision and then into the role of Assistant Director. Over the years Andrea has witnessed her Mother's advocacy on behalf of her brother, and her desire to provide him with the best quality of life possible. Through this, Andrea has developed the strong belief everyone deserves respect and the right to live their own best life.

Andrea views the Leadership Academy as means to expand on what knowledge she may already have, but then to also be exposed to different perspectives and ways of doing things. As a sibling of individual with a developmental disability and then through the positions held in her professional career – she is looking for an opportunity to synthesize this information and the Leadership Academy appears to offer that through the curriculum and stated objectives.

She anticipates what she would learn during the Leadership Academy as of benefit to IPMG as a whole due to her current role as Assistant Director. The knowledge and skills gained during the Leadership Academy will aid Andrea as she guides and supports members of the management team. Additionally, she sees the experience as an opportunity to make connections within the industry and take in a broader perspective than what she may currently have.