Karen D. Brummet
Chief Executive Officer
Professional Background
For the past 27 years, I have worked in the field of services for people with disabilities. My experience ranges from direct care and support in the early years, to my true passion of providing case management services. My experience includes developing a cutting edge inclusion program for preschoolers with Purdue University in the early 90’s and developing and managing community-based programs for children. In 1998, I started my own company to provide case management for individuals who received services through the Medicaid Waiver Program, and in 2006 I became one of the founding members of IPMG. I have had the pleasure of being a part of great movements to assist individuals with disabilities to live in their own homes in the communities.
My job is to ensure that the business, Information Technology, and human resources functions of IPMG support the overall mission and direction of the company. I work with each discipline to ensure that we are meeting the needs of our case managers, so they can provide the best possible services to the individuals we serve.
I believe every person should be able to live the fullest life of inclusion possible for them. Our role in the lives of the people we are blessed to serve is to coordinate, through person-centered planning, the right supports and services to ensure that their hopes and dreams become a reality.