District 1 Resources
District 1 Resources include specific services and programs provided throughout the counties of Jasper, Lake, Newton, Porter, Pulaski and Starke within the state of Indiana.
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Brain Injury Association
We support and advocate for persons with brain injury and their families throughout the state of Indiana.
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Bright Future for Families
A national initiative for families and communities to promote and improve the health and well-being of children of all ages.
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BrightStar provides every service available at a nursing facility in the comfort of your loved one’s home.
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Center for Possibilities
Our mission is to improve the quality of life for children and adults with developmental disabilities and their families.
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Cerebral Palsy Guidance
We cover cerebral palsy from all angles–from symptoms, causes, and treatment, to daily living information, such as communication and transitioning to adulthood.
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Connect 2 Help (2-1-1)
Connect2Help 2-1-1 connects people who need human services with those who provide them.
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Dayspring Women's Shelter
Serves women who are homeless, previously homeless, or at risk of becoming homeless and their children.
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Disability Legal Services of Indiana (DLSI)
DLSI, a nonprofit, provides special education legal representation to families of low income throughout Indiana.
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Down Syndrome Association of Northwestern Indiana
Founded over 30 years ago, serves families of both children and adults with Down Syndrome.
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Epilepsy Foundation of Indiana
The Epilepsy Foundation of Indiana leads the fight to stop seizures, find a cure and overcome the challenges created by epilepsy.
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Everybody Counts
We are a non-profit agency dedicated to the empowerment and independence of people with disabilities.
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Family Voices Indiana
A family-led organization that provides education, outreach, and peer support to families of children with special health care needs.
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