District 2 Resources
District 2 Resources include specific services and programs provided throughout the counties of Cass, Elkhart, Fulton, Howard, Kosciusko, LaPorte, Marshall, Miami, Saint Joseph, Tipton and Wabash within the state of Indiana.
Would your company or agency like to be listed as a resource on our website? Please contact us and let us know.

Michiana Down Syndrome
A Family Support and Advocacy Group for individuals with Down Syndrome, serving northern Indiana and southern Michigan.
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Mustard Seed
Offers temporary assistance to families or individuals living lifestyles of dependency and assists them in moving towards self-sufficiency.
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Oasis @ MAAP
Worldwide organization providing information, networking, referrals and printed materials related to the autism spectrum.
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Porter Starke
Community mental health center offering care for adults, families, adolescents, and children with mental health or substance abuse issues.
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Self Advocates of Indiana
Self-Advocates of Indiana works to empower people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to speak for themselves and others.
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St. Vincent De Paul
Offers person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering.
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The League for the Blind and Disabled
Provides and promotes opportunities that empower people with disabilities to achieve their potential.
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The Picture Cookbook
The first in a series of four cookbooks for budding chefs with special needs.
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United Cerebral Palsy Association of Greater Indiana
Exists to advance the quality of life of people who have cerebral palsy and to prevent its causes.
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US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Enforces federal laws that make it illegal to discriminate against a job applicant/employee.
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