District 3 Resources
District 3 Resources include specific services and programs provided throughout the counties of Adams, Allen, DeKalb, Huntington, LaGrange, Noble, Steuben, Wells and Whitney within the state of Indiana.
Would your company or agency like to be listed as a resource on our website? Please contact us and let us know.

Ave Maria House
A day respite in Fort Wayne for the homeless, Monday-Friday 10am-2pm. Shower, laundry, phone, and social interaction provided.
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Be Someone Now - SCAN
The Be SomeOne Now program provides education and employment opportunities that will lead to your success.
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Best Buddies
A global volunteer movement that creates opportunities for friendships and more for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
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Bowen Center
A private not-for-profit, comprehensive community mental health center licensed by the State of Indiana Division of Mental Health.
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Brain Balance Center
Individualized and comprehensive approach to help children with neurobehavioral and learning difficulties surmount their unique challenges.
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Brain Injury Association
We support and advocate for persons with brain injury and their families throughout the state of Indiana.
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Bright Future for Families
A national initiative for families and communities to promote and improve the health and well-being of children of all ages.
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BrightStar provides every service available at a nursing facility in the comfort of your loved one’s home.
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Catholic Charities
Catholic Charities provides Food Pantries and Resource & Referral Services for individuals who need help meeting basic needs.
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Cerebral Palsy Guidance
We cover cerebral palsy from all angles–from symptoms, causes, and treatment, to daily living information, such as communication and transitioning to adulthood.
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Charis House
We provide women and children with relief from homelessness, and equip women to find jobs and housing and navigate life’s challenges.
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Children First Center
Children First Center offers a full array of in-home services to children and their families in northeast Indiana.
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