District 5 Resources
District 5 Resources include specific services and programs provided throughout the counties of Boone, Hamilton, Hancock, Hendricks, Johnson, Marion, Morgan and Shelby within the state of Indiana.
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Hendricks Therapy
We offer a safe and comfortable environment designed to welcome children and adults in various stages of life development and transition.
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Hollis Adams Foundation
We stimulate our participants’ intellectual and social abilities so they can enjoy life experiences the rest of us take for granted.
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IN Governor's Council for People with Disabilities
Empowering Hoosiers with disabilities to create positive changes throughout the state.
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Provides assistance, support, and educational resources to individuals and organizations that serve and support persons with disabilities.
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The INDATA Project is one of 56 similar federally-funded projects designed to increase access and awareness of assistive technology.
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Indianapolis Legal Aid Society
For over 65 years, the Indianapolis Legal Aid Society has been giving the poor a voice in their legal matters when all other hope is lost.
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International Center for Woman's Ministries
A free ministry for women promoting emotional and spiritual healing.
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IPL-Energy Assistance
IPL supports the United Way Winter Assistance Fund to help low-income families maintain their gas or electricity during winter months.
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Janus Developmental Services
An affordable transportation service for individuals with developmental disabilities as well as the public.
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